Rebel AdultBlock

Protect your business online with AdultBlock

AdultBlock is a defensive registration service that enables brands to block their registered terms in .xxx, .sex, .adult and .porn.

What is AdultBlock?

AdultBlock is a defensive registration service that enables brands to block their registered terms in .xxx, .sex, .adult and .porn. It covers all available names, premium domain names, and future registration of names currently registered.

AdultBlock Packages


  • Labels covered: 1
  • Block the label across all 4 TLDs
  • Premium domain name blocking
  • Blocking of domains when they become available
  • Registrations periods: 1, 3, 5, and 10 years


  • Labels covered: Unlimited blocking of all the additional labels generated by the TMCH and included in the SMD file.
  • Block the label across all 4 TLDs
  • Premium domain name blocking
  • Blocking of domains when they become available
  • Variant labels in SMD file and Sunrise B
  • Unicode variant blocking homoglyphs & IDNs potentially tallying in the thousands for each label
  • Registrations periods: 1, 3, 5, and 10 years

AdultBlock Benefits

Cost-effective Brand Protection
AdultBlock users enjoy considerable savings when compared to the cost of defensively registering the names. The AdultBlock+ receive significantly more savings when considering the value of blocking all look-alike variations. Furthermore, both AdultBlock and AdultBlock+ will block premium domain names at no extra cost.
Protect against cybersquatting
AdultBlock+ preserves the investment and value of your organization’s online presence by preventing cybersquatting and shielding users from abusive encounters with your brand.
Time saving
Protecting your brand can be time consuming – let our experts do all the heavy lifting for you.
Strategic advantage
The service automatically blocks domains protected by AdultBlock and AdultBlock+. Plus, if any registered names become available they will automatically be blocked. AdultBlock+ goes a step further by including unlimited blocking of all the additional labels generated by the TMCH and included in the Signed Mark Data file.

Frequently asked questions

The service covers all of ICM Registry adult-themed TLDs - dotXXX, dotSEX, dotADULT and dotPORN.
Trademark holders with a valid Signed Mark Data (SMD) file issued by the Trademark Clearinghouse (TMCH) and dotXXX Sunrise B participants are eligible. Interested parties may also apply to purchase AdultBlock using a Company Name, Unregistered Trademark or Celebrity Name. Additional information may be requested for the application.
The Trademark Clearinghouse is a database of validated and registered trademarks established by ICANN to prevent infringing behaviour in the domain name system.
A service offered to trademark and service mark owners to block their marks from being registered when dotXXX was being launched in 2011.
For policy reasons, a conversion is not possible. Registrants will need to either convert to an AdultBlock or attempt to register the domain when it becomes available on a first-come, first-served basis in December 2021.
Once you purchase an AdultBlock then any domain currently registered will remain active until you either delete it or decide not to renew. Once the domain is deleted, it will automatically be included in your AdultBlock service.
Contact your TMCH agent to obtain a list of your marks registered in the TMCH database.
You may use your eligible Sunrise B dotXXX domain(s) to secure an AdultBlock at any accredited agent.
The AdultBlock service does not allow the domain name to be unblocked.
The variant generation software is based on Unicode Consortium standards. This means that the service blocks characters available today along with any future language character sets that become available in the ICM Registry TLDs.
Yes, the service will block other confusingly similar characters such as replacing an ‘L’ with a ‘1’ and an ‘E’ with a ‘3’.
The number of variants can sometimes run into the thousands and for this reason, ICM Registry only provides a sample of the variants for reference. Acquire a sample along with the number of variants here.
Yes, registrants may transfer the AdultBlock service between registrars. The transfer request will add one additional year to the life of the service.
ICM Registry will check the validity of the SMD file from time to time during the AdultBlock service. Registrants are responsible for ensuring the SMD file remains valid.
All blocked domains will include the following message in the WHOIS database, “This name subscribes to the AdultBlock+ product; therefore, this name is not available for registration”.

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